Friday 25 August 2017

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However, it is understood that many have been sold an idea since day one of researching Forex Trading on Google, Yandex, or Baidu. An idea in complete contrast to the 8216extended gains achieved from an extended outlook8217 being sold throughout this site. frame pushers are mostly FX and Binary Options brokerages looking for increased transactions and scam software vendors touting 8216Magic Arrows8217. The proposed theory is that we all have an advantage over the institutions and hedge funds because we are quick and nimble while the institutions and funds are slow and cumbersome by default. That we as Retail scalpers using FXCM can be in and out quickly before the hedge funds even know what hit 8216em. Fast Boats with our shiny new MacBook Air and they are unwieldy Container Ships using Windows 95. Think instead it is possible to triumph via many small gains using the M1 or M5 over and over and over and over 8230. Unfortunately for us Retailers, this is the High Frequency Trader8217s playing field. We don8217t stand a chance. pip spreads in the EURUSD. second following NFP Establishing data center within 1000ft legal limit of Exchange servers in New JerseyYes, using HFT may be a false comparison in making the point because it is extreme. But it is made. type opportunities that can be exploited on a short or very short time period over and over, someone with more resources than us is doing so and always has been doing so. pip spreads in USDJPY As if their endless speed advantages on all fronts providing them endless advantages during specific events such as NFP or French PPI or Consumer Confidence were not enough. Anomalous Price Action susceptibility to Which of the two trading styles magnify our disadvantages, short term trading or long term trading In fact, when analyzing that question above and trying to arrive at an answer, an interesting thing happens. huh Competing against highly capitalized competitors is hard enough because we have no choice but to use more effective leverage than they are. Trading on short time frames puts us at even more of a disadvantage because we are forced to use even higher effective leverage due to our smaller Take Profit goals. Therefore, our loss thresholds are much smaller than theirs. The only chance we have is to equalize our risk and loss threshold with theirs as much as possible, so that we are trading in sync with them. Term8217 trading or a nice, hybrid combination of many time frames was excluded from the above so that the query could be better visualized. Analysts often find that comparing the complete opposite ends of a spectrum to each other is a quick way to get an idea of what comprises the full spectrum. Better Position Management With higher time frames and longer hold times, we now have the time to actively manage take profits in a relaxed, analytical state of mind. Instead of the majority of our time being focused on entering and completely exiting positions all throughout the day, we can instead redirect that time and energy into adjusting take profits. If we feel a trend is losing some momentum or fear it is not light retracement, we can simply move some take profits closer instead of completely exiting a position prematurely out of fear or because our trading day is approaching the end. Actively managing positions by moving some take profits further away during moves can also lower spread costs. The action of moving a take profit further away can be equivalent to having more open lots, or adding more lots. If price action is beginning to show signs of real strength or weakness with good tick volume, you can move some of your take profits further away instead of letting them get taken out early. If you move a take profit further away ultimately by 200 during fast moves from say 20 pips to 40 pips 8230 you have essentially doubled your position at a great entry point without the spread cost, risk of entry slippage, or to the detriment of your existing great average entry position. Now, this does not mean we do this on every occasion with all take profits. This technique can help diversify your other exit strategies, such as just having a static wall of take profits that was preset. We all know the feel of a market when it is in a fast move in our favor. This is the time to use that strategy. Instead of falling over yourself to add to your position 8230 just move some take profits further. up image to the right. Only 20 pips per day, I8217m not greedy Downfall of Many Retail FX Traders Is this your mantra Many new Retail traders ultimately decide upon short term intraday strategies as their one and only method for a variety of reasons. It is thought some has to do with current volatilities and daily ranges during the preceding months leading up to the initial research phase of an all new FX account being established for the very first time. Namely, of EURUSD and USDJPY. engineering idealistic yearly gains with the Windows Calculator. in along with aggressive compounding wherein profits are immediately reinvested the next day or even the next session within the same day. Hour Forex Trap Downfall of Many Retail FX Traders Maybe a reason though that so many Retail traders fall into the short term trading trap is due to the 24H Forex structure. Most other markets sleep when we sleep, excluding of course the overnight electronic Futures which seldom contain any volume. The main participants in most other markets are primarily regional and all wake up at the same time. While volume is reduced in the Australian and Asian sessions, there is just enough liquidity to where these sessions cannot be dismissed similar to how 8216After Hours8217 is dismissed in the Global Equities Market. Algorithmic programs can still kick in from European and American firms during certain economic release events during Australia and Asia. While yes there are also spikes in price and volume during After Hours sessions in equity primarily in response to company earnings, this usually occurs within the hour before or after the main sessions while traders are still in the office building. There is just enough volume and possibility for volatility spikes to cause problems. leveraged short term Forex traders have a fear of holding positions overnight. This fear is understandable and correct. Increase Pool of Instruments Traded Increase Number of Units Overall Increase Time Frames Increase Hold Times Increase Take Profit Net Amounts8230 all while initially setting a goal for the same projected net gain per month or per quarter as compared to alternative short term trading methods. proven beneficial techniques and we can begin tomorrow. It does not require any Secret Forex Software developed by a Rogue Russian Programmer in their mother8217s basement.